Are You Under Attack? +973 3449 0947 Talk To An Expert



The significance of security for organizations worldwide is continually increasing as cyberattacks become more complex and resistant to standard countermeasures. Businesses must realign their security strategies and allocate adequate resources to detect and respond swiftly to potential breaches.

Key Benefits of Using HakTrak Managed Detection and Response Service

  • Comprehensive Defense: HakTrak offers one of the most extensive defenses against cybercrime, utilizing our fully managed solution to detect and respond to attacks based on pattern technologies.
  • Innovative Approach: As a client-centric, cybersecurity-focused, service-oriented, and quality-driven company, HakTrak stands out as a pioneer in the region through its creative mindset, agile approach, proven best practices, high standards, and project delivery discipline.
  • Protecting Digital Assets: We aim to help organizations secure their digital assets through a range of HakTrak R&D LAB solutions and services while striving to become global leaders in cybersecurity.
  • Red Team Simulations: Our Red Team is prepared to test your infrastructure, systems, applications, processes, techniques, and personnel through intelligence-driven adversary simulations covering the entire lifecycle of a real-world cyberattack.
  • Dedicated MDR and Skilled Security Analysts: HakTrak provides businesses with a fully staffed operations center that scales with customer growth, ensuring security analysts have the required technology and expertise.
  • Enhanced Security: Strengthen your organization’s cybersecurity posture by implementing comprehensive protection against cyber threats.
  • Proactive Threat Hunting: Stay ahead of emerging cyber threats with tailored security solutions to detect and respond to the latest risks.
  • Improved Operational Efficiency: Enhance your operation’s efficiency and resilience with our managed security services, addressing challenges related to skilled resource shortages and ever-growing threats.
  • Cost Savings: Leverage our cost-effective MDR service to reduce the financial burden of maintaining an in-house security team.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensure your organization to industry-specific regulations and standards by implementing our best-in-class cybersecurity solutions.


Neutralize Threats and Prevent Future Attacks

HakTrak Adversary Disruption shields your organization from disruptive cyberattacks and data breaches. Our comprehensive service scope encompasses the following:

  • Attack Detection and Threat Hunting: With our dedicated security analysts working tirelessly, we employ host and network telemetry with security analytics to detect sophisticated attacks.
  • Rapid Incident Response Services: Our services extend to swift support for detecting, identifying, isolating, and neutralizing active threats that target your organization.
  • Defense In Depth: Our defense mechanism constantly evolves to keep pace with the latest cyber threats. It protects your data, critical infrastructure, and applications and aligns with the most stringent industry security standards.
  • Cybersecurity Risk Rating (CRR): We provide a CRR that assesses your organization’s cybersecurity performance, offering insights into your susceptibility to potential attacks.
  • HakTrak Data Leak Detection: We offer data leak detection services that continuously monitor various sources, including social media platforms, as well as the surface, deep, and dark web, and help protect your organization from the damaging consequences of data breaches.


Our security analysts are committed to conducting continuous threat intelligence research and hunting operations using state-of-the-art technologies. This personalized adaptive defense system stays abreast of the latest cyber threats, proactively identifying and neutralizing them.


HakTrak Dark Web Monitoring offers an in-depth look into the hidden realms of the deep and dark web, providing valuable insights that help safeguard your organization. By gaining visibility into underground forums and marketplaces, our monitoring service uncovers potential data leaks, stolen credentials, and chatters related to cyberattacks targeting your business.

Our team of skilled security analysts continuously scans and monitors these obscure corners of the internet, identifying any threats that could compromise your organization’s security. With real-time alerts, you can stay ahead of cybercriminals and take appropriate action to protect your digital assets.

The Dark Web Monitoring Includes

  • Early Detection: Proactively identify potential threats before they escalate, enabling swift action to mitigate risks.
  • Stolen Credential Monitoring: Discover if your organization credentials have been compromised, allowing you to take the necessary steps to secure your accounts.
  • Threat Intelligence: Gain valuable insights into emerging trends and tactics used by cybercriminals, helping you stay informed and prepared for potential threats.
  • Brand Protection: Monitor for unauthorized use of your brand or intellectual property, preventing potential damage to your reputation and customer trust.
  • Compliance Assurance: Ensure your organization complies with industry-specific regulations and standards by avoiding potential data breaches and security incidents.


Tailored Solutions to Meet Your Unique Needs

We offer three MDR service packages to suit your organization’s specific requirements. Additional add-ons may be available to further enhance your cybersecurity posture depending on the licensed MDR service package.

Improve Operational Efficiency and Resilience

Whether your organization faces challenges related to skilled resource shortages or ever-growing threats or wants to improve its operations, HakTrak Managed Security Services can help. Our MDR service packages are designed to boost operational efficiency and increase resilience, ensuring your business remains protected against evolving cyber threats.